A Narcissist is A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

wolf-in-sheeps-clothingA narcissist is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He or she can appear to be the nicest person in the world and do things for you that would seem to say “I really care about you” but then you begin to feel that your energy is being drained, you are feeling confused, you are doubting yourself and feeling very frustrated.

More time is spend in this confusion trying to sort things out in your mind until you realize just how much energy you are giving this person. On the outside the narcissist can look like an angel but truly there is a demon within. He/she is the kind of demon that steals your light and leaves you in the dark wondering what just happened.

Don’t let the kindness fool you! It isn’t true kindness and it doesn’t come from a caring heart. Narcissists can feign kindness in order to hook you in and feed off your life force like a parasite. As long as your energy is focused on the narcissist you are feeding him/her with your light. Even if you don’t spend time with this person or see him. We can remain hooked through our thoughts and our dreams. You must become a warrior to fight for your own soul. Because if you don’t fight for yourself the narcissist will succeed in stealing your light!

You must remember at all times that the narcissist does not really care about you! He or she can’t! A narcissist can only care about himself and his own needs. Your needs are your problem not his. And he does look at your needs as a problem. They get in the way of his needs being fulfilled.

What we need to fully understand is that the narcissist has a big void within. It is a big dark pit of emptiness that is cloaked behind a disguise of happy go lucky, good guy, Ms. success or whatever his/her image may be. Beneath that image is still a big dark void that needs to be filled from an outside source. The frightening thing about the void of a narcissist is that it is a bottomless pit. Once he has you hooked in as a source, the energy you NEED to live your own life, goes towards filling his/her bottomless pit. It is all done on an energetic level.

Narcissists will easily have many sources because their need for narcissistic supply is so huge. We often make the big mistake of believing the narcissist cares about us and would never lie to us or hurt us intentionally. What we don’t often understand is that the narcissist is only concerned with filling that void and will do whatever it takes. Your needs, once again, are your problem not his and this is exactly how he views it. Your need for honesty, emotional connection, love, caring, fidelity etc…is your problem not his! The narcissist feels no obligation to take care of your needs, however, he or she will pretend if it keeps you hooked in as a source.

As women or men in need of love we can be really naive around the narcissist. We may fool ourselves into believing we are special to the narcissist. A counselor once told me that narcissists are like flat tires looking for people to pump them up and I was nothing more than a tire pump to him. A friend once put it kindly when I said “I thought I was special!” He said “you are special! You are a special tire pump!”

If we are gullible enough we can earn the status of being special because the narcissist may not have many people in his life who fall for his BS the way we do. Some people actually don’t let themselves get hooked by the narcissist And some people, once they’ve experienced the true narcissist, will detach and take back their energy, something we all should be doing. But a few “special” ones will stay hooked in forever allowing themselves to be a constant source of light for the narcissist to feed off of. Some will stay hooked for life giving their power to the narcissist.

The phrase “I would die for you” is literal. Because one who stays hooked into a narcissist does begin to die. The desire for the love to be real is so strong that one will stay hooked into that illusion until she completely loses herself, attempts suicide or creates a physical illness.

The biggest mistake I ever made was believing “he would never do that to me!” He didn’t appear to be a monster on the outside. I really believed he cared about me. He had his issues, yes, but deep down I just knew he cared. But I was wrong! He really didn’t care about me! He cared about himself! I was a casualty of his narcissism! I had to really accept and understand this in order to cut the ties and move on.

Of course cutting psychic cords is another story! It isn’t easy! We have been groomed to feed the narcissist our energy. We have carefully and methodically been broken down and rebuilt to be a source for the narcissist, just as a cult member is broken down and rebuilt to be a loyal follower of his/her leader. Once we understand what has happened and that our leader does not have our best interest at heart, we have to go through the painful process of breaking the spell that we have been living under. It is most painful because we have to admit to ourselves that the relationship was a lie. We must awaken to the truth and break free of the Web of Illusion we have been living under. It is a process and it takes time. But your life depends upon it.

Never fool yourself into believing that some other woman or man is ideally suited to be with the narcissist in your life. His/her motivation is not love nor is it happiness. It is power and control! It is admiration and attention! It is praise and adulation. A narcissist will no more care about the needs of a new source than he did yours, but during the grooming phase he convinces her that he loves her and cares about her.

The truth is the narcissist is emotionally shallow and doesn’t operate from true emotional connection. He doesn’t feel the pain of his actions because he simply doesn’t run that deep. He doesn’t have the ability to feel true love, happiness or emotion positive or negative. He may never really feel the pain of his actions towards others but he also will never feel love or true caring. He is a shallow puddle feeding from our oceans of emotional depth. And it can feel as if we are being siphoned empty.

In order to refill our energy reserves we must cut the psychic cord that feeds the narcissist! It is crucial to our survival! We must look past the sheep and see the wolf that is blowing our house down. We must build our house on rock and not sand or twigs. When he huffs and puffs and realizes he cannot blow our house down he will run out of energy and go elsewhere.

At first it may feel very empty to have the narcissist gone because we have fed so long upon the adrenaline of the wolf outside our door. But eventually we will heal and find it safe to go outside again.

Remember a narcissist is a wolf in sheeps clothing, look beyond appearances for the deeper truth.  The truth will set you free.


About Kaleah LaRoche

Kaleah LaRoche is the Founder of Narcissism Free and has been working to support others in their recovery of narcissistic abuse since 2006. She has authored four books on the topic of narcissistic abuse, recovery, and traversing the dark night of the soul. A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Counselor since 1988, Kaleah brings her compassionate counseling skill and Hypnotherapy to assist in healing and recovery. Kaleah also has a popular podcast "Pandora's Box." You can go to pandoras-box-radio.com to listen.

3 comments on “A Narcissist is A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

  1. this is very helpful. I was with a nac for 7 years and he has toyed with my emotions for another 2 years after he discarded me…this past summer I finally told him where to go….3 months later he contacts me again, draws me in again (to see how I would react, and I fell for it) he toyed with my emotions for a week then was gone…then last week (5 months later) I receive an email from him at 4:30 in the morning on a Saturday morning to my work email address saying that he must tell me he is starting a new chapter in his life. He is getting married soon and hoped that my life works out….it has left me spinning again, just as he wanted it to…I didn’t reply back but have been a bag of emotions since….and he is still sucking the life from me….

    • Sweetie is okay to feel, but let it go it’s not real. He doesn’t care about you. He just acted as though he cared. Those emotions you feel for him, His is noid a void…..nothing, empty. He’s as empty as a black hole. Realize this and take back your power. Fair is mix with unfairness. Cut all ties with the sick and your heal correctly. Think about this…. your loving on a dead corpse. He only able to breath freely if he’s using your loving energy to do so…..sick huh???? Picture the *Walking Dead*……He’s only near to bite YOU *Nothing more*…….no contact after learning his pattern, should make you laugh by now, if you can be honest with yourself. See him for the problems that he is and stop with the illusions. Be true to yourself and you’ll see with better clarity. Attachment to someone who has you confused and doubting what true love is, is settling in his polluted grave, while repeatly getting biten. *Backbone time* save your or bury it with him. Who’s worth that???…Who??

  2. Feel very, very sorry – for the new wife! He had to let you know he was getting married because HE NEEDS TO CONTINUE THE LIE THAT IT WAS ALL YOU – you were the problem – because, look, here HE IS getting married……..you now this means nothing to him, right? You know even before the night of the wedding, if this narc meets a woman (say, on his stag night perhaps) and fancies some sex – THE FACT that he is getting married the next day – means nothing to him, he has no honour, no integrity and NO BALLS. HE WILL SLEEP WITH HER. How do I know this? Well, my ex-narc dumped me with two kids (one 3 months old) because he found a better source of supply – and money. He started an affair with the bank cashier (who owned her own home, car, good salary etc.) Fast forward one year, lo, narc is marrying the mistress – (the bank cashier) – yup, he had sex with one of their mutual friends the night before the wedding – truth. And there is more, screwed around on bank cashier wife for at least 10 years – yes, with women she knew – meantime little Jamie is bored. Little Jamie NEVER REALLY LOVED BANK CASHIER WIFE (which is what he told the next wife in line – the barmaid bike he picked up on a trip to the seaside) –

    Guess what? Dumped cashier wife for BARMAID WHO GOT MARRIED IN A WHITE DRESS. She was about 45 years old – and had been married before – and well screwed. Yes, another narc – shame he also dumped his 12 year old son with cashier – oh, by the way, also dumped the two kids we had together – oh, lucky kids hey? Guess what – They are having problems in their marriage – YOU HAVE HAD THE BIGGEST escapeof your life – WELL DONE.

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