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Welcome to Narcissism Free, where we help you to heal from Narcissistic Abuse and take back your power.

Most victims of narcissistic abuse, struggle with PTSD. The reason why is because they have been exposed to covert abuse and reality warping due to gaslighting, undermining, confusing and other narcissistic behaviors.

When this happens, victims of narcissistic abuse begin to question and doubt themselves and their reality and their nervous system breaks down leaving them feeling anxious, confused, frustrated, deeply wounded and abandoned.

What I do is specialize in trauma recovery for narcissistic abuse to heal your nervous system so you can feel empowered in your life again. The reason why I recommend my trauma recovery program is because it is the single most effective way to overcome the traumatic effects of narcissistic abuse.

And the benefits of healing the negative effects of narcissistic abuse are feeling like a normal person again. Imagine having a calm nervous system, feeling excited about your life again, and doing the things you once loved to do. This is all possible with Trauma Recovery.


  • A great experience

    Had my first session with Kaleah and it was great, very empowering and enlightening. Validated what i was thinking about a relationship and made me look at things differently and that it was ok to feel the way that I feel, and that it is healthy to feel it and taught me ways how to act on those feelings in a positive way. Will do a little work on myself and then will schedule another session.

    - A great experience

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Most people coming out of a relationship where there is narcissistic abuse suffer from CPTSD or Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  You might wonder what is the difference between CPTSD and PTSD?

Is Narcissism a Mental Illness?

Is Narcissism a Mental Illness?

Many people believe Narcissism is a Mental Illness and therefore should treat people with narcissistic behavior with more understanding and care.  There is a lot to clear up about Narcissism as a Mental Illness and in this article, I will break it down. Narcissism, in and of itself is a personality style.  It is a […]

Narcissism Signs

Narcissism Signs

Although there is a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder in the DSM 5, very few people with narcissistic traits ever seek help.  Why should they?  Most people with narcissism signs are doing just fine.  It is the people around them who are suffering. 

Narcissism & NPD

Narcissism & NPD

Most people when they think of Narcissism, think of NPD, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  There is a tendency to place everyone with narcissistic traits into the category of someone with a personality disorder.  But observing narcissism traits doesn’t necessarily suggest the individual would be diagnosed with NPD.

Understanding PTSD Symptoms

Understanding PTSD Symptoms

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. While it’s natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation, most people recover from initial symptoms naturally. However, for some individuals, the distressing memories, emotions, and physical reactions associated with the trauma persist, interfering with daily life and functioning. Understanding PTSD symptoms is crucial for early identification and seeking appropriate support.

Signs of Narcissistic Abuse

Signs of Narcissistic Abuse

Often when we are asking the question “am I experiencing narcissistic abuse,” it is more important to tune into your own experiences, feelings and emotions rather than focus on the person you believe might be a narcissist.  Although understanding narcissistic traits can help you to identify if the person in question is a narcissist, your own experiences need to be taken into consideration. 

What is Narcissism?


kaleah-promo2My name is Kaleah and I have gone through the excruciating pain of having my life turned inside out as the result of narcissistic abuse. I know how it feels to reach the lowest lows and have to struggle to get my life back. I know how it feels to be so drained emotionally and physically that I can’t work or be productive in any way.  This is why I now focus on helping others in their recovery from narcissistic abuse.

At my lowest point I couldn’t eat or sleep. I couldn’t go to work or socialize with people. My friends and family couldn’t understand the depth of the pain I was in and thought I should just “snap out of it” or “get over it!”

I would have loved to be able to just “get over it!” But this was one of the most difficult challenges life had brought my way. Even the doctors and psychologists couldn’t help me other than to give me medication to help me “cope.” I went on anti-depressants on the recommendation of a therapist who thought it would help me to eat and sleep.

In my quest for help I found a psychologist who believed I had been in a relationship with a narcissist, and this is where thing began to change for me.  I could finally understand why I was feeling the way I was. I finally had a direction for my recovery. I finally understood that I was not crazy!

Life got better after seeing this psychologist.  The pain didn’t end, but now I at least knew where it was coming from. I immersed myself in the study of narcissism, joined an Online support group and made it my mission to understand this strange disorder that left me feeling as if I had been raped on a soul level.

I did finally recover and went on to write several books on recovery from narcissistic abuse.  I also changed the focus of my Holistic Counseling and Hypnotherapy practice to helping people recover from narcissistic abuse.